“Keep Christ in Christmas”
Poster Contest Begins
Start planning your poster!
St. Ignatius of Antioch Parish Parents –
For the 4th consecutive year, Knights of Columbus, St. Ignatius of Antioch Council #7621 will be conducting the “Keep Christ in Christmas” Poster Contest for the youth of our parish.
There will be 5 age group categories: Kindergarten, 1st & 2nd grade, 3rd & 4th grade, 5th & 6th grade, and 7th & 8th grade. Prizes will be awarded for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place in each age category. We will be soliciting the help of our Faith Formation teachers to promote the contest as we have in year’s past, but we encourage all parents to get involved in supporting this effort. Poster paper will be made available in the Faith Formation Office or upon request. Entry forms and rules can be found in the Faith Formation Office.
Completed posters need to be turned in to Tony St.George or any KoC officer by December 16, 2024. The posters will then be displayed in the Parish Hall for all parishioners to enjoy during the Christmas season. Judging will take place and winners will be announced at an awards ceremony in the hall on January 19, 2025.
Please contact Tony St.George (tampaterp@yahoo.com) or Marco Sandusky (msandusk@gmail.com) with any questions.